As ability scores reflect the inherent capabilities of the character, Societal scores reflect the character’s place and interaction with society around them.
Honor Score (Hon)
All characters start with an Honor score of 1.
Degrees of Honor | |
Decent |
1 to 3 |
Fair |
4 to 6 |
Esteemed |
7 to 9 |
Admirable |
11 to 12 |
Honorable |
13 to 15 |
Righteous |
16 to 18 |
Glorious |
19 to 20 |
The Honor score is a means of measuring a character’s devotion to their codes, values, and ideals. Deeply honorable people tend to gain a little more than those who are less honorable.
Honor measures several things:
- Devotion to a code and their Values.
- The character’s understanding of other’s codes.
- How others perceive a character’s honor.
- A character’s reputation that others know about.
A high Honor score gives a bonus to Renown of one point for every five points of Honor.
Like other abilities, Honor can be raised with normal ability score increases. However, you can also gain increases or reductions to Honor based on a character’s actions.
At the end of an Adventure, if the group thinks a character’s actions in the adventure reflected well or poorly on his or her understanding of the code, you can increase or decrease the character’s Honor by 1.
A character’s Honor cannot exceed 20. A negative Honor score is Dishonor.
Honor Checks
Honor checks can be used in social situations, much as Charisma would, when a character’s understanding of a code of conduct or ethical state is the most defining factor in the way a social interaction will play out. All Honor checks use the Charisma modifier, and Honor will be treated as an addition to a score used for this.
You might also hear a call for an Honor check when a character is in one of the following situations:
- Being unsure how to act with honor.
- Surrendering while trying to save face.
- Trying to determine another character’s Honor score.
- Trying to use the proper etiquette in a delicate social situation.
- Using his or her honorable or dishonorable reputation to influence someone else.
Note that some creatures are not honorable. Dread Foes are notable for a different sense of honor than most people, as well, and do not adhere to the nature of honor the way we do.
Honor Saving Throws
An Honor saving throw comes into play when you want to determine whether a character might inadvertently do something dishonorable. You might hear a call for an Honor saving throw in the following situations:
- Avoiding an accidental breach of honor or etiquette.
- Resisting the urge to respond to goading or insults from an enemy.
- Recognizing when an enemy attempts to trick a character into a breach of honor.
Piety (Pie)
Degrees of Piety | |
Seen |
1 to 3 |
Ardent |
4 to 6 |
Fan |
7 to 9 |
Devout |
11 to 12 |
Dedicated |
13 to 15 |
Committed |
16 to 18 |
Favored |
19 to 20 |
Piety serves as a measure of a character’s link to the gods, and the fealty they have shown. Everyone starts with 1 point, maximum is 20, and it follows the degrees show at right.
Piety is tracked by your DM, based on the deities you are consecrated to. A character gains piety for honoring his or her gods, fulfilling their commands, and respecting their taboos. This is an average score based among all those you are baptized for.
A character loses piety for working against those gods, dishonoring them, defiling their temples, foiling their aims, or breaking taboos.
The gods bestow favors on those who prove their devotion. With each rank of piety gained beyond Seen, a character can pray for a divine favor once. This favor usually comes in the form of a cleric spell like bless. The favor often comes with a sign of the divine benefactor; for example, a character dedicated to a Storm Power might receive a spell accompanied by the boom of thunder.
One of the Boons of Piety is possibly gaining a Bastion, or home base, around 13 to 15 Piety.
Boons come at each Degree of Piety, though their usefulness and value may be questionable, and a Boon always has a minimum Piety requirement.
Using Piety
Piety is used when dealing with Powers, Denizens, and Spirits. When engaging in bargains, or other tasks that may require a roll, you can spend one point of Piety to gain Advantage on the roll. Note that this reduces your Piety, meaning it is a way to make you less pious. You may also be asked to make a Piety Save, when dealing with forces and powers beyond mortal ken.
Degrees of Renown | |
Unknown |
1 to 3 |
Rumored |
4 to 6 |
Heard of |
7 to 9 |
Popular |
10 to 12 |
Well Known |
13 to 15 |
Famous |
16 to 18 |
Idol |
19 to 20 |
Renown (Ren)
Your starting Renown score is 1.
Renown is more than just a measure of how well known, famous, infamous, popular, or otherwise known by the general populace a character is, as it includes the ability to call upon such people at need.
Renown is a numerical value that starts at 1, then increases as a character earns favor and reputation within a particular organization. Maximum renown is 20 and it uses the degrees at right.
Renown is tracked by your DM, for each of the following elements for each character: Factions, Fealties, Profession, and World. Because Wyrlde is deeply connected via such trade tools as the Riverboats, Airships, Trains, and even simple merchant caravans, it is very quick to spread the word of the folks who make a difference – for ill or otherwise.
Gaining Renown
A character earns renown by completing missions or quests. DM’s award renown at their discretion as characters complete these missions or quests, typically at the same time you award experience points.
Advancing a Realm’s interests increases a character’s renown by one. Completing a mission specifically assigned by that realm, or which directly benefits the realm, increases the character’s renown by two instead. A spectacular action, such as freeing a small village from a major evil may increase one’s Renown by 3 points.
Benefits of Renown
The benefits of increasing renown can include rank and authority, friendly attitudes from people of the realm, and other perks. This can include marks of prestige, knighthood, and assorted other benefits.
Groups will often have a sort of combined renown, and there is often competition among them for choice assignments, and of course the Guild itself will offer the best and most lucrative assignments to those with the greater renown first.
One known benefit of Renown is that it can earn you a Bastion or a Workshop.
Note that your DM tracks your renown among certain groups as well as the forces that oppose you.
Negative Renown
In some cases, Renown can be Infamy, which is the equivalent of Renown, but negative.
Losing Renown
Disagreements are not enough to cause a loss of renown.
However, serious offenses committed can result in a loss of renown and rank within the organization. The extent of the loss depends on the infraction and is left to the DM’s discretion. A character’s renown can never drop below 0.
Societal Benefits
Characters can earn promotions as their Renown or Piety increases.
At certain thresholds of renown that serve as prerequisites (though not necessarily the only prerequisites) for advancing in rank, various rewards are offered by Villages, Towns, and Cities. This can include assorted titles.
Attitudes of the Population
As a character’s renown within a realm or at large grows, people are increasingly likely to have heard of the character. There are thresholds at which the default attitude of a realm toward the character becomes indifferent or friendly. These thresholds apply only to the default attitude of most people, and such attitudes aren’t automatic.
NPC faction members might dislike an adventurer despite that character’s renown — or perhaps because of it.
Earning a rank comes with certain benefits. A character of low rank might gain access to a reliable contact and adventure leads, a safe house, or a trader willing to offer a discount on adventuring gear. A middle-ranked character might gain a follower, access to potions and scrolls, the ability to call in a favor, or backup on dangerous missions. A high-ranking character might be able to call on a small army, take custody of a rare magic item, gain access to a helpful spellcaster, or assign special missions to members of lower rank.
Perhaps the best known of the Perks is a Bastion, or home base, which may be granted around a 10 to 12 Renown.
Downtime Activities
Characters may have a chance to spend downtime between adventures building relationships and gaining renown within an organization. This is sometimes called “Face Time” or “Fan Service”.