Foundations | |
Required Abilities | Str, Wis, Cha |
Axiom | Sensate |
Affinity | Divine |
Spell Casting | Per |
Spell Attack | Wis |
Saving Throws | Str, Wis, Cha |
Hit Dice | D10 |
HP @ Lvl 1 | Your Con Modifier + 1d10 or 6. |
HP @ Higher Lvls | Your Con Modifier + 1d10 / Level After 1st |
The Powers That Be operate in mysterious ways, and those who serve those powers and their goals come in many different guises and have many different roles; among the most honored, the most rare, is that of the paladin.
Paladins are the inheritors of the warlords of the God’s War, the leaders and generals who fought against the Dread Host and guided the Armies into battle. They are the Champions of the Powers, and what they are able to do is considered nothing short of divine.
Paladins are tasked with the Holy Mission of bringing the People to the Faith, and doing so not by force of Arms, but by act of Example. Paladins serve and accept only one Power for their faith and are devoted to the will and goals of that Power. They are gifted with several traditional capabilities, and during times of War and Disaster, Paladins are the lights in the darkness that people will turn to, look for, and so Paladins are a source of Hope.
Some, who will never be able to be paladins, will mock them for being the way they are, but those same people are often the ones who will quietly call out for them, and this is the underlying truth of it all: Paladins do not care about the measures of ego and the petty distinctions of those who squabble before them.
Paladins have bigger things to worry about. Like that disaster that is coming that they must be prepared for. Or that Famine that is affecting a small Village. Or the Pestilence that is threatening the hamlet down the road.
Paladins are best known for a few things: Laying of Hands, where they can heal others or cure sickness; the Shine of their Armor, no matter the griminess of the field; the Courage of their Blade, no matter the force against them; the Mounts they have; and the Lack of Fear that surrounds them in battle even against the most terrifying of forces.
Yet above all of them, there is the simple fact that Paladins are the World’s answer to four great Evils: Devils, Demons, Hags, and Vampires. Paladins know that part of the power of Vampires comes from the Faij of the Infernal, and the role of the Paladin is to resist the Infernal at all costs, in all ways, at whatever cost to themselves. For there is no greater danger in the eyes of a Paladin that the Infernal powers. In this they match the Clerics in their opposition to the Fell, and the Shrinewards in their opposition to the Necrotic.
This is important, as well, for a vampire in the fullness of their Powers is a mighty challenge even for a Paladin in their Prime. Lesser Demons or minor Devils are often quailed before a potent Paladin, though the greatest of the Powers and Principalities there are enough to give even a Paladin a moment of hesitation. Only a moment, mind you.
Devils are devious, scheming, planning and plotting, and it may take decades for a bit of Devilry to bear fruit, always of the disastrous and destructive kind. Demons are more purely malevolent and given to corruption and misleading of the people. Vampires feast upon the blood and life of their victims, oft engaging in ornate and complicated efforts to deny them. Hags will lure and seduce and destroy the unwary as they seek ever greater feasts to engorge themselves in their gluttony.
Paladins are the check on all of that, trained to see those things, to identify the infernal, to track the schemes, to end the plot, and to break the tide of such forces.
The traditional Paladin always carries three things: A Shield, a Sword, and a Ring.
Not all the Powers are fond of Swords, and at least one is not fond of shields, but those three items are still present, in some form, among all of them, turning the ancient tradition into a metaphor of sorts for what they do. Each of these tools grants the paladin some measure of the Power of the Power they serve, and if there was a profession that was closest to an Ikon, it would be that of the Paladin.
Proficiencies | |
Skills (Pick 2) | Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Riding, Theology, Navigate, Counsel, Piloting, |
Spell Proficiency | Simple, Rudimentary |
Armor Training | Standard, Light, Medium, Heavy, Shield |
Weapon Training | Simple, Common, Adept, Expert, Specialist |
The role of Paladins in the wider world is fairly simple, but their role as people still exists, and what guides them is a complex web of personal oaths and codes.
The Vow
The first of these is the Vow itself. A Paladin’s Vow is sworn before their Power in a Temple or at a Shrine, often with much fanfare, but wholly possible to be a quiet, solitary affair. Before the Power they serve, they swear to:
- Serve them and only them unto the end of their days, honoring them in all things.
- To remain upstanding and true to that Power’s ideals and goals.
- To Defend the Defenseless, Give Hope to the Hopeless, and Protect the Threatened.
- To Destroy that which comes of the Infernal.
- To Never Shirk nor shy from battle, save to fulfill the rest of the Oath.
- To be Pious, Honorable, and worthy of Renown.
- To be Generous, Forgiving, and Staunch in their deeds and Words.
The Vow is magical, and binding, and henceforth all their gifts are dependent upon their holding to that vow. As a direct result of this, Paladins are considered a from of Priest, though they cannot provide Ceremonies, and cannot baptize others.
Paladins measure these aspects through their Piety, Honor, and Renown scores. None can ever drop to zero to fall below it (in the case of Honor).
This is a goal that lies beneath all the other stuff that feeds into the desire behind a Paladin. It is a goal that drives them through their Vow, becoming a sustained force that feeds into their taking of the Oath.
What is your mission?
There seems to be a greater power in the world that seeks to create a sense of balance, a structure that ensures that for everything as good and true as a Paladin, there is an evil and corrupt nemesis that will be called on to stand against them. Paladins are made aware of this the moment their Sacred Oath is taken, and thereafter must always find a way to oppose and defeat their Nemesis.
Who and what is your nemesis? You can work with your DM to craft a cunning Nemesis.
The most terrifying thing in the universe that one can hurl at a Paladin is temptation. As mortal beings, Paladins are subject to the flaws and weaknesses of all people, and only their Will can ever serve to resist such. A temptation is something the Paladin truly desires, and remains forever forbidden to them, and is never an easy thing to forego. Some have held as their temptation a bath, others wealth, still others the Mount they are entitled to.
What is the temptation that your character faces?
Paladins place the alignment and Values of their Power before their own, and seek to live and express through their life the ideals of the Power they serve. This includes the encouraging of people to follow their Power, and the aid and assistance of those who need them, wherever and whenever it may be – often at the very subtle urging and sensations of their Power.
Gifts of the Gods
The Gods gifts must be asked for, not commanded or expected.
At 1st Level, you may ask for the Light of Revelation. This is a magical light that spreads outwards from the Paladin to a range of 30’, and will last for up to 1 minute, using 1 point of Mana per round of use. This light can be used to reveal any one of the following things:
- The presence of Infernal Denizens.
- The presence of Vampires.
- The presence of Invisible or Unseen being.
- The presence of Poison or Disease.
- The presence of Deception, Deceit, or Curses.
You can use this feature of a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus between long rests.
At 5th Level, you can ask for a Healing. This healing will cure disease, provide an antidote for normal poisons, and restore hit points. As an action, you place both your hands on the subject and ask your Power for healing.
At 9th Level, you can ask to free those within 10’ per level of you to be free of fear, negating fear, frightened, and charmed conditions from any caster lower in level or CR than you, and with a roll against the level or CR of the Caster for those equal to or greater than you (and you can add your Wis modifier and proficiency bonus to the roll).
At 13th Level, you can use your action to end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
At 17th Level, you can use your Smites with Ranged weapons.
Tools of the Goods
At 1st Level, you gain a Ring.
At 5th Level, you gain a Sword.
At 9th Level, you gain a Mount.
At 13th Level, you gain Armor.
At 17th Level, you gain a Shield.
A Ring is the Focal for the Paladin It is called a Ring but can take the form of any sort of jewelry that is worn by the Paladin.
A Sword is a gift. This sword never dulls, and is silvered, but is not magical. While it is called a sword, it can take the form of whatever single weapon the paladin wants – but it cannot change forms once it is chosen.
A Mount is a warhorse or equivalent mount, capable of fighting beside the Paladin.
Armor is a set of Armor, and in the case of Paladins, it may indeed be plate armor. This armor is light, does not apply penalties to actions, can be put on and taken off in a minute, and Never needs cleaning, always shining and glistening. It provides AC 17 regardless of the type of Armor it is.
A Shield is a standard sized shield that matches the Armor and Sword, and provides a +2 bonus to AC.
Each of these items appears before the Paladin on reaching that Degree of Mastery, and while they are not magical, they act to penalize rolls against a Paladin by Infernal creatures by -1, for both attempts to hit and Damage, for each item so gained.
Hands of the Gods
At 1st Level, you can, as an action, imbue one weapon that you are holding with positive energy, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma modifier to attack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus of +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.
At 5th Level, you gain an extra attack roll when you choose the Attack option, making two attacks.
At 9th Level, whenever you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of you must make a saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Charisma modifier (with a minimum bonus of +1). You must be conscious to grant this bonus.
- At 17th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
At 13th Level, you gain an extra attack roll when you choose the Attack option, making three attacks.
At 17th Level, you can cast remove curse a number of times between long rests equal to your proficiency bonus without expending Mana.
Hammer of the Gods
At 1st Level, you can perform a Harsh Smite. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend 5 points of Mana to deal celestial damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 1d6 for every 5 points of mana you expend.
At 5th Level, you can perform an Empowered Smite. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend 5 points of Mana to deal celestial damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 1d8 for every 5 points of mana you expend.
At 9th Level, you can perform an Elemental Smite. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend 5 points of Mana to deal celestial damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 1d6 for every 5 points of mana you expend, plus 1d6 elemental damage of a type you specify every turn for a number of turns equal to every 5 points you have put into it after the first.
At 13th Level, you can perform a Planar Smite. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend 5 points of Mana to deal a specified form of planar damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 1d10 for every 5 points of mana you expend.
Starting Gear | |
Gear | Small Backpack, Tinderbox, Large Sack, 30’ Rope, Waterskin |
Tools or Kit | None |
Focus | Ring |
Armor | Any |
Weaponry | Within limits of Power: 1 Sword, Axe, or Rod, plus 1 Simple, Common, or Adept Ranged |
Wealth Bonus | 30 |
Paladins are trained at either Temples or Shrines, staying together in small groups of under 3 in a nearby cottage which they are expected to care for. Paladins are tested through many different challenges meant to check for their devotion, their willingness to sacrifice, and their personal values and characteristics to include their honor, Piety, and Renown.
Paladins must give up all worldly things when they enter apprenticeship, including ties to family and friends, while they undergo the rigid, ascetic traini8ng that culminates in an Ordeal of Locked Room. After a day of meditation and preparation, they must enter a locked roo9m and remain there, silent, for 24 hours. During this period they are tested via magical means in a unique test that uses their virtues, vices, and personality characteristics against them, including what weakens them, in an effort to get them to turn away and choose again, a different path, for Paladins must be strong enough to endure all of this.
After passing, many Paladins are approached or offered membership in one of the Knightly Orders. These Knightly Orders offer support, reassurance, backup, and comradeship as they make their way into the world, gaining resources as a result.
As a result, on completion, Paladins gain a +3 to each (Piety, Honor, and Renown).
At 1st Level, you gain 1 First Order.
At 9th Level, you gain 1 Second Order, or 1 First Order.
At 17th Level, you gain 1 Third Order, or 1 Second Order, or 1 First Order.
At 3rd Level, you can choose one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 7th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 11th Level you can choose one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 15th Level you can choose one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 19th Level you can choose one aspect from the Alumni list, or one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 4th Level, you can choose one Dedicated Maxim.
At 8th Level you can choose one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 12th Level you can choose one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 16th Level you can choose one Unyielding Maxim or one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 20th Level you can choose one Absolutist Maxim or one Unyielding Maxim or one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 2nd Level, you can choose one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 6th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 10th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 14th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 18th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Alumni list, or one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
Affinity | Axiom | Cipher | Manifestation | Orgone |
Divine | Sensate | ![]()
| Motes | Mantra |
Affinity Score | Axiom Score | Spell | Spell Book | Focal |
Wis | Per | Prayer | Apocrypha | Ring |
Spell Level | Spell Point Cost | Actions to Cast |
Cantrips / 0 | 1 | 1 |
1 Level Spells | 3 | 1 |
2 Level Spells | 5 | 2 |
3 Level Spells | 8 | 2 |
At 5th Level, you gain 1 Simple Mystery.
At 13th Level, you gain 1 Rudimentary Mystery, or 1 Simple Mystery.
Mana Stored & Spells Per Level
Complexity -> | Mana Stored | Simple | Rudimentary | |||
Mastery | Level | Cantrip | 1st Level | 2nd Level | 3rd Level | |
Novice | 1 | 7 | 3 | |||
2 | 15 | 4 | 1 | |||
3 | 22 | 4 | 1 | |||
4 | 27 | 4 | 2 | 1 | ||
Yeoman | 5 | 33 | 5 | 2 | 1 | |
6 | 45 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | |
7 | 52 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | |
8 | 60 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | |
Adept | 9 | 68 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
10 | 75 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | |
11 | 82 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 3 | |
12 | 90 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | |
Master | 13 | 97 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 |
14 | 105 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | |
15 | 113 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | |
16 | 120 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 6 | |
Grand Master | 17 | 127 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 |
18 | 135 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 7 | |
19 | 142 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | |
20 | 150 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
At 2nd Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 6th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 10th Level, you gain 3 proficiency slots.
At 14th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 18th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
Ability Score Increases
At 3rd Level, You gain 2 points.
At 7th Level, You gain 2 points.
At 11th Level, You gain 3 points.
At 15th Level, You gain 2 points.
At 19th Level, You gain 1 point.
Leveling Table
Level | Mastery | Prof Bonus | Skill | Forte | ASI | Maxims | Precepts | Mysteries | Orders | Esoterica |
1 | Novice | 0 | Yes | Simple | First | |||||
2 | 0 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
3 | 0 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
4 | +1 | Yes | Rudiments | |||||||
5 | Yeoman / Doyen | +1 | Yes | Second | ||||||
6 | +1 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
7 | +1 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
8 | +2 | Yes | Medial | |||||||
9 | Adept | +2 | Yes | Third | ||||||
10 | +2 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
11 | +2 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
12 | +3 | Yes | Advanced | |||||||
13 | Master | +3 | Yes | Fourth | ||||||
14 | +3 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
15 | +3 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
16 | +4 | Yes | Expert | |||||||
17 | Grand Master | +4 | Yes | Fifth | ||||||
18 | +4 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
19 | +4 | Yes | Yes | |||||||
20 | +5 | Yes |