My name is Antonia D’orsay. I am a mixed race trans woman originally from Sedona and Phoenix, Arizona. I have a varied background, and most folks will tell you I am either a Paladin or a Cleric in real life, but I will disagree with them because I am grouchy and persnickety and full of whimsy. I started playing D&D in 1979. This is the result of her 45 years and over 3000 gaming sessions, the bric a brac and the keys to kingdom unlike many others.
This version of Wyrlde is the “last one” — it represents a cumulative set of experiences and ideas from many prior versions that have never truly left my head, and I freely admit that part of the reason for it is to get it out of my head so I can think about other fantastic things, lol.
There is so much that went into this version — and some of it has come about as I wrote it — I have no issues adding a bunch of new books and anime shows to it as I go. This website represents the living and iterative aspect of that work, and in July of 2023 I basically stripped everything in it away and started posting all the bits and pieces from the two books I wrote for it.
That all said, how you make use of this is up to you. I made this site so that it could be out there as long as I live and can afford to host it, lol. I will be running adventures in it. Possibly telling stories that take place in it.

More background?
Well, I have a Doctorate in Sociology, a MaSter’s in Psychology, and a MAster’s in Religion. I have worked for a bunch of places folks have heard of and for the most part I have kept my D&D stuff mine and mine alone, not something I share at work or as part of work.
I was born in 1965. I stand somewhere around 5’9″ tall, am a mixed race bisexual trans woman, and, um, yeah, that’s about it. Oh, wait, no…
I have an ego that is so vast and all encompassing, always growing, always expanding, that iit has broken free of this universe and invaded 21 others. You think that’s air you’re breathing?
That should about do it.