Aztlan | |||||||
Official Name |
The Queendom of Aztlana |
Flag |
| ||||
Motto |
For All People | ||||||
People |
Aztani | ||||||
Goods |
Aztic |
Symbol |
| ||||
Crafts |
Azlian | ||||||
Honorifics |
Missus, Mon | ||||||
Greeting |
Hausa! |
Symbols |
Tree |
Sun | |||
Parting |
Fair Weather! |
Colors |
Green |
Yellow |
Pink | ||
Temples |
Tamasin |
Lamia |
Shrines |
Antelle |
Gaea | ||
Towns |
Arisan |
Arilan |
Secrets |
Urisha |
Belial | ||
Andalan |
Atahur |
Known For |
Amber |
Cinnamon |
Textiles | ||
Rivals |
Sibola |
Foes |
Lemuria |
Thule | |||
Weapons |
Cutlass, Knife |
Shortbow |
Weather |
Tropical, Hot |
Wet, Humid | ||
Armor |
Aztani Scale |
Shield |
Wealth |
+35 | |||
Languages |
Aztic |
Trade |
Literacy |
Aztic (Women only) | |||
Respect Shown |
You crouch or kneel before someone of higher standing. | ||||||
Folkways |
You remove your shoes before entering a house. | ||||||
All houses have a small shrine to House Numen that is thanked at meals. | |||||||
Virtues |
Be Fruitful |
Be Mindful |
Know Thyself |
Bring Honor | |||
Vices |
Thoughtlessness |
Carelessness |
Shame |
Cowardice | |||
Skills |
Affray |
Brawl | |||||
See Others |
Oppressed, brainwashed, trapped | ||||||
Others See |
Wealthy, fierce, independent |
In the Age of Myth, a young Princess in the aftermath of a Skyfall became enraged at the actions oof her brother, the King of Sibola, as he began to pass laws and rules that reduced women to servitude and lowered their status.
She entreated him three times, and each time was rebuffed, cast into a cell, the cast into chains, then cast into a marriage against her will. Thus it was that she rebelled, and started and led the Women’s War, and for a decade the War was brutal and vicious, and above all else it is important to remember that that the women won the War. They humiliated the boy King, and they conquered Sibola, and they could do anything, and what they chose to do was take every ship in the ports and leave, taking their children, sometimes splitting families, sometimes keeping them whole, and they set sail with the Princess of Usher at the prow of the greatest ship, and they went into he fog of the great inland sea and never returned to Sibola.
Those Myths tell us of the voyage, and how it tested those women, how it shaped them and made them what they would become. How they found strange unmapped islands and defeated giant birds and Orci and Oni, how they battled Merow and Triton alike, how they braved the fierce storms and somehow, despite losses, found themselves entering a river that led to a sea that was safe and calm and pleasant and that is where the Princess at last came to shore to stay, and there she founded Aztlana, and declared that no woman would ever again be constrained against her will.
Though it now rests upon the ground, within the great oval Museum, her ship is still there, still visible to those who seek to see it, and all is as it was then aboard. And beside it was raised the first of the Steles that can be found wherever Aztani bleed and die, bearing the name of every single person lost, in memory, eternal.
Aztlan is, by its own hand, the opposite of Sibola, the sister city, the sprawling port from which half the world’s food comes, the tropical and breezy realm of the Matrons who rule everything and whose sharp and keen insights make them fierce merchants, and bitter enemies.
Women hold all roles of authority and leadership in Aztlan. Only women can hold such roles. The primary industry in Aztlan is farming, above and beyond all others, because it has massive fertile lands that are more populous than elsewhere, and it is there that teas and coffees and exotic fruits and fascinating spices are found and grown.
Aztani are boisterous people, sharp minded, smile generous, laughter wise, and money miserly. To be successful in Aztlana requires one be a woman and one have wealth, and yet many will go upon that journey and see neither, yet still have a grand and fulfilling life.
Aztani military power is feared, with units by gender and mixed, and they are the guardians of the only water route into the Seven Seas. They have turned aside Lemurian and Thulian armadas, they have withstood Duatian raids, they have made peace and friendship with the Sea Realms, and they do not see themselves as part of the Empire except in the most grudging of ways – and it should also be remembered that they won once, and they would win again, so they often get to do very much as they please.
Aztani men are generally not literate, but all Aztani women are required to be. Tanjins are large, gendered, and used heavily throughout the day, often structured so that as a child is raised, they continue through their apprenticeship within a tanjin dedicated to that craft.
Tanjins are the first public buildings built in new hamlets, and children are considered to be a requirement for all women to bear – but always on their terms, and never to tie them down or restrict them.
There is often talk that the menfolk must be upset or enslaved or mistreated, but this is proven untrue – man of them shudder after having visited Sibola, and claim they fully understand why the First Queen left.
Aztlan is a strange realm, for it has a few hamlets that are set aside for only certain kindreds, but they, too, are always led and ruled by a woman, for this is the law.
Aztlan is said to be the wealthiest of the Realms, the Aztani the wealthiest of the peoples. An indentured person is still paid five pence a week, and most are released after 3 years instead of five. There is a strange sort of freedom to Aztlan that shows in the faces and ways of the Aztani people, a sense of being separate from the Imperial heart, and an outlook that says that they will not be tied down by arbitrary thoughts of others – each person is responsible for themselves and their life.
Aztlan is the most southern of realms, and the largest. They are also involved in the disputes around several regions.
Aztani people do participate in the Crusades, though they do so in the form of the great Blockade, which is often handled by Aztani Corsairs.