There are three kinds of organized policing that are designated as Police within the Empire, and all the realms still follow this because the funding for two of them appears to be derived from the God’s themselves, and so no one worries much.

Of note is that none of the groups of police here make decisions on guilt or innocence, and do not engage with the doling of punishments. They leave that up to the nearest court, though they will testify (especially the Police). One exception to all of that is Reeves. Reeves have a special license to judge guilt, but if they do so they must provide proof supported by the word of many others, and they must also sit in judgment of other cases. Reeves are often used for exactly that by that Nobility.

The one exception to this is when the accused requests an Ordeal. Then they will haul the individual off to a place of Worship and let the Ordeal happen under their ever-watchful eye.


The first and most basic are the local settlement watches. Watches are organized and overseen by the local Nobility and can vary widely in structure and nature. They are tasked with enforcing the local rules and policies within settlements and have a roughly half day boundary beyond the settlement as part of their jurisdiction. The Knights of Eld, charged with law keeping in Dorado, are an example of this, albeit a unique one, being hereditary and especially dangerous.

Watches include patrols, beyond the walls and within the Boonies, and are separated from the Military in chain and function. They do not share the same barracks, for example, and Watches to not report to any military commander, having their own chain of command.

At the base level are Guards and Patrollers. Each unit of four is overseen by a fifth member called a Deputy. Every five units are overseen by a Sheriff, and every five sheriffs report to a Bailiff, who is generally linked to the courts and appointed by the local nobility.


The next is chartered through the Grand Council and the Convocation, known as the Imperial Enforcers, and is charged with enforcing the Imperial laws throughout the Empire, outside of the settled areas. They are often given to the protection of villages of importance, and also often considered part of the Liege Debt from a greater noble to a lesser.

This is an immense area to cover, and there are not a lot of them, but they do their best, focusing on banditry and the like. They are also charged with keeping an eye on Powers that may be in their region. Enforcers are usually assigned to a Fort or a Hold and assigned to command of the local Noble closest to that location.

Enforcers report to a Deputy. Deputies oversee Patrols, which are eight-hour shifts of Enforces under the command of the Deputy, and there will usually be nine Deputies in a given Fort or Hold, rotating out each Watchnight.

These units are headed by a Sheriff, who has a designated area that they are charged with, and who is the Commander of a Guard Garrison – typically a small, tight wooden fort built in a defensible location.

Commandants must report to the convocation yearly, and so have an Undersheriff whose task is to step in for them when they are absent and serve as second.

A Fort or Hold is led by a Commandant, who has a team of four Sheriffs and an Undersheriff who fills in when they have to attend the Convocation yearly. There are additional assorted logistics staff to support these activities, but not much.

All prisons and jails are assigned to Imperial Enforcers, regardless of where they may be, as officially and formally it is the Empire which is in charge of such.

The Agency

The last and final group is the Agency. The simplicity of their title aside, they act as wards of and are charged with the previously mentioned Crimes and the Charter. They follow no jurisdiction, answer only to the Convocation, are some of the toughest people around; mostly Elfin, easily identified by the strange, all black clothing they wear.

Investigative work is often done by Reeves, who are generally outside the normal reporting framework, and act as both a check and balance to the rest, as well as providing essential knowledge to ensure they do their jobs properly. Reeves are independents, solo operators, often recruited from Envoy and Messenger guilds.

Most folks encounter a Constable. Considered akin to a one-person army, a constable must be able to handle a great many duties in the course of their work – investigating, gathering evidence, arresting, detaining, and so forth. They operate in groups of three and are accompanied by a large wagon with bars over the cabin to hold prisoners and other miscreants.

Constables report to a Bailiff. Bailiffs, and their team of clerks, keep records based on the reports of Constables.

Bailiffs report to Marshals. Marshals are charged to a given region, and while their exact number is unknown even to the Convocation, it is believed there are twenty-five of them. A Marshall has earned their position through both reputation and seniority, and both are significant.

Marshalls in turn report to the Agency, which is run by Agents, who have some arcane process by which they gather in The Directorate and make decisions collectively. No one knows who the Directorate is run by, or what the history of it is beyond that the Directorate is entirely subject to the Convocation, and only the convocation as a whole.

It is known there are factions within the Agency, but the nature and divisions remain a mystery.

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