The Year
The Typical Year on Wyrlde starts on the day of the Spring Equinox. The Midyear is celebrated on the Summer Solstice. A year is 364 days long, divided into 13 months of 28 days each. Each month has four weeks. A week is 7 days and called a Watchnight.
That year has four seasons over much of the world, two in the tropics. These are marked by the solstices and equinoxes. The year is set by the moons and their passage through the firmament, not by the Sun, which startles many.
Seasons are 13 weeks long. Many transactions and common standards take place in a seasonal time frame, not a monthly one, so Months are generally deprecated in daily life and the Seasons are used instead.
There are 13 months, each consisting of 28 days, each year. The last day and the first day of each year are given to the New Year Festival, throughout the Bright Lands, often called the Empire.
The four solar events are celebrated broadly over a three-day period each, even in the Dread Lands and Hyborian lands. These are the High Holy Days. The celebrations are always the day before, the day of, and the day after.
There is usually an honoring of the patron deity of the area on these dates.
Not too coincidentally, an awful lot of people celebrate birthdays around the same times, often right around 10 months out from them.
Dates on Wyrlde currently follow the reign of the New Empire. This was when the current House ascended to the throne of Sibola and held it against challengers.
Merchantry tend to prefer the format of the day, month, and year of the Empire: The 27th day of Rest, in the 299th Year of the New Empire.
Nobility has a strong tendency to use a year, day, season format: The 299th Year of the New Empire, in the spring Season, on the 27th day of Rest.
Some who have come from elsewhere have noted that the calendar and time seems far too regular. When asked about it, Chicory rolls her eyes and says take it up with the gods. The Powers That Be look embarrassed and avoid the subject. Acacia says it is a sore spot, and that the Powers that Be made it that way on purpose – but it was an unintentional side effect of something else. Scholars are currently fairly certain that the reason for the regularity is the way that the Cosmos was cut off and reshaped and so re-ordered to be ore regular and ore uniform, and that vagaries are mostly due to the difference between the ways that the ancients did things and the ways we do them today.
Regardless, the motion of the Stars, the Planets beyond our own, the Sun, the Moons, the Planet, and the functions of time are so incredibly uniform that the core calendar in use is merely a renaming of several prior calendars stretching back to the time of the Bitter Road.
Special Periods of Time
Watchnight, or Watch: A Period of 7 days.
Fortnight: A period of 14 days.
Holdnight: A period of 21 days
Month: A period of 28 days.
Days of the Week
Wyrlde hasn’t truly named the days of the week. Most would argue that there is no need to. Among the Scholars, however, particularly historians and astrologers, there is a developing convention of doing so using the following set up:
Rest Day (1) | Hearth Day (2) | Faith Day (3) | Field Day (4) |
Hall Day (5) | Passage Day (6) | Veil Day (7) |