Foundations | |
Required Abilities |
Str, Dex, San |
Axiom |
Servant |
Affinity |
Eldritch |
Spell Casting |
Wis |
Spell Attack |
Per |
Saving Throws |
Dex, Wis, San |
Hit Dice |
D10 |
HP @ Lvl 1 |
Your Con Modifier + 1d10 or 6. |
HP @ Higher Lvls |
Your Con Modifier + 1d10 / Level After 1st |
For half a hundred years, the House of Eld has operated the tanjin called Ironfire, from which they have trained all the persons who use the tools they developed, and that they hope will one day become the standard when it comes to warfare, if they can only get the Powers out of the way.
“How can they be recognized as a Profession when all they do is use firearms? Demanded the Merchant.
“All a fighter does is use weapons.” replied the guild Arbiter, “All a wizard does is use spells.”
“And what’s this about a code? What kind of malarkey is that?”
“The kind that makes them so good at what they do. Of course, if you would like to take this up with the House of Eld, you certainly may.”
The merchant swallowed. ‘That’s right.’
“Yes, it is.”

While some of their designs and plans have escaped to a certain degree from their hands, for the most part, the brutal training and exceptional expectations of the Gunslingers they bring forth has created a kind of allure that is all its own and given them a particular value.
A gunslinger is someone who was trained at Ironfire, located in Dorado, just outside the walls of the city on a rise that is its own private compound and fort. Gunslingers must meet certain tests and conditions to be admitted, and they do not admit or train anyone over the age of 17, though they have started people as young as 6 in attached tanjins that focus on raising them to be prepared to enter Ironfire proper.
This is important to understand, for only some can become gunslingers, and the path they walk is narrow and harsh and unforgiving, with no room for a fall. Because Gunslingers live by a code, and that code is tied to not only their training, but also their ability to use the very firearms they make their living by.
It is Through this creative innovation and immaculate aim they have become a distant force of death on the battlefield. However, not being a perfect science, firearms carry an inherent instability that can occasionally leave you without a functional means of attack – so keep your wits about you, hold on to your convictions as a fighter, and let skill meet luck to guide your bullets to strike true.
A vast majority of gunslingers use their firearms almost exclusively, but a few will pick up some limited eldritch mysteries. Often these abilities are learned from a greater user of such magics, and then slowly mastered to a point of adeptness where they can be used alone in combat. The use of magic doesn’t keep gunslingers from utilizing their firearms however, as those that practice magics can often cast spells and then quickly switch to using firearms.
Proficiencies | |
Skills (Pick 2) |
Affray, Athletics, Endure, Breath, Discipline Tracking, Insight, Detect, Intimidate, Gaming, Metaphysics |
Spell Proficiency |
Simple |
Armor Training |
Standard, Light, Medium, Shield |
Weapon Training |
Firearms, Simple, Common |
The Code
A code of conduct that governs every aspect of gunslinger’s lives, from how they treat others to how they conducted themselves in a fight. In a world where violence and lawlessness are common, the code is a beacon of hope and a symbol of civilization
- Loyalty
- Courage
- Honor
- Justice
- Self-Reliance
- Collaboration
- Self-Discipline
The code often comes into play through a set of genera rules:
- Face your opponent with courage and dignity, even if you know you are going to die.
- Give your opponent a fair chance, even if you have the upper hand.
- Accept the consequences of your actions, even if it means going to jail or facing the hangman’s noose.
- Treat others with respect and dignity, even if they don’t deserve it.
- Stand up for what was right, even if it means putting yourself in danger.
- Stand up to bullies and outlaws, even if it means putting yourself in danger.
- Be true to your word and keep your promises, no matter what.
- Resist the temptation to cheat or lie, even if it means losing out on a deal.
- Remember that no man is an island; there are times to stand alone, and times to stand together.
As one can likely guess, Honor is a critical score to gunslingers, who often resemble Paladins in their overall demeanor to others. Gunslingers can have a low Honor score, but should they ever fall into a negative – or Dishonor – score, they lose their Fortes until they have raised it up again.
They will tell you that to protect your reputation is to be mindful of your actions. All of this makes the gunslinger is more often a wandering hero or lawmen of some sort, dispensing justice where they go.
While there are some folks out there who have learned how to make some less effective weapons, and even some forms of ammunition, there is no one else who understands the secrets of firearms more than Gunslingers, whose entire life is devoted to the mastery of these complicated tools of death.
At 1st Level, you gain proficiency with firearms, allowing you to add your proficiency bonus to attacks made with firearms, as well as proficiency with Firearm Tools. You may use them to craft ammunition at half the cost, repair damaged firearms, or even draft and create new ones (DM’s discretion). Some extremely experimental and intricate firearms are only available through crafting.
Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll plus modifiers is equal to or lower than 8, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Firearm Tools check (DC equal to 12). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm.
At 5th Level, you add your proficiency bonus to your initiative. You can also stow a firearm, then draw another firearm as a single object interaction on your turn.
At 9th Level, you learn how to quickly attempt to fix a jammed gun. You can spend a grit point to attempt to repair a misfired (but not broken) firearm as a bonus action.
At 13th Level, you can reload any firearm as a bonus action.
At 17th Level, whenever you score a hit and roll an unmodified 20 on an attack with a firearm, the target additionally suffers half of the damage from the attack at the end of its next turn.
Ther are three kinds of Gunslinger Weapons: Pistols, Rifles, and Explosives. Gunslingers must master the task of creating their own forms for these.
All Doradan pistols are made by the person who wields them, this makes all of them distinct and unique. Possession of a Doradan pistol is considered a crime punishable by death, as you are holding someone’s heart and soul in your hands, and if you are not that person, then why do you have it and how did you get it?
A Doradan Pistol requires at least a month of work in a Firearms Workshop to fashion, costs 500 sp, requires spending 250 points of mana total. This does not make the weapon magical, however – this only makes it work.
A Doradan Rife requires at least a month of work in a Firearms Workshop to fashion, costs 500 sp, requires spending 250 points of mana total. This does not make the weapon magical, however – this only makes it work.
Doradan Explosives require 4 hours to fashion for each and have a set cost in Mana and SP value. Fashioning an Explosive cannot be done during a Rest. A gunslinger can fashion as many explosives as their Proficiency bonus – any more than that and their magic does not work.
Ammunition Types
Gunslingers create their own ammunition, and over time learn ways of making that ammunition do some shocking things through the use of their own mana. In many ways, their ammunition is their spells.
All firearms require ammunition to make an attack, and due to their rare nature, ammunition may be near impossible to find or purchase. However, if materials are gathered, you can craft ammunition yourself using your Firearm Tools. Each firearm uses its own unique ammunition custom created by the maker of that weapon.
Different kinds of rounds have a different cost in mana and in SP, and these costs are per round made.
Level |
Mana Used |
SP Cost |
Weight |
Notes | |
Regular Round |
1st Level |
1 |
1 |
0.1 lbs. |
A regular round. |
Bursting Round |
3rd Level |
2 |
3 |
.2 lbs |
+2 Piercing damage, 3’ diameter |
Scat Rounds |
5th Level |
3 |
3 |
.25 lbs. |
20 foot long, 6 wide cone |
Stun Round |
5th Level |
4 |
2 |
.33 lbs |
A round that Stuns the target, but does not cause damage. |
Bludgeoning Round |
7th Level |
5 |
3 |
.33 lbs. |
A round that causes Bludgeoning damage. |
Conditional Round |
9th Level |
6 |
10 |
.25 lbs |
Round that causes a specific Condition to those hit. |
Elemental Round |
9th Level |
6 |
10 |
.25 lbs |
Round that causes a specific type of Elemental damage |
Planar Round |
13th Level |
7 |
20 |
.25 lbs |
Round that causes Planar damage |
Dimensional Round |
17th Level |
8 |
30 |
.33 lbs |
Round that will cause harm to a specific Denizen Type. |
Only the gunslinger’s specific weapon can fire the rounds that a gunslinger makes.
Gunslingers also developed Explosives, using the same principles that they used to create firearms. They have fashioned these into three forms, one of which has two additional variants.
Explosive |
Level |
Mana |
Cost |
Weight |
Range |
Radius |
Damage |
Save Vs |
Ordnance Kit |
1st Level |
5 |
5 |
1 lbs. |
0 |
3’ |
1d6 |
Dex, DC 10 |
Grenade, Smoke |
1st Level |
5 |
20 |
.5 lbs. |
Dex |
9’ |
1d6 |
Con, DC 12, Sightless |
Charge, Basic |
5th Level |
10 |
50 |
5 lbs. |
Str |
30’ |
4d6 |
Dex, DC 12 |
Grenade |
5th Level |
10 |
25 |
.5 lbs. |
Str |
9’ |
3d6 |
Dex, DC 15 |
Grenade, Gas |
5th Level |
15 |
35 |
.5 lbs. |
Str |
9’ |
2d6 |
Con, DC 12, Choking |
Grenade, Stun |
9th Level |
20 |
40 |
.5 lbs. |
Str |
9’ |
1d6 |
Dex, DC 15, sightless, soundless |
Grenade, Fire |
9th Level |
20 |
50 |
.5 lbs. |
Str |
9’ |
1d6 |
Dex, DC 15, Burns |
Charge, Sharp |
9th Level |
15 |
100 |
5 lbs. |
Str |
5’/10’ Cone |
6d6 |
Dex, DC 15 |
Grenade, Elemental |
13th Level |
25 |
75 |
1 lbs. |
Str |
9’ |
5d6 |
Dex, DC 15 |
Grenade, Planar |
17th Level |
25 |
100 |
1 lbs. |
Str |
9’ |
5d6 |
Dex, DC 15 |
Charges come in two types, Basic and Sharp.
A Basic Charge can be of any basic shape, is around six inches in diameter, and when detonated affects an area in a 30-foot radius, dealing 4d6 damage to any creature who fails a Dexterity throw and causing overcoming any damage threshold of an object.
A Sharp Charge is built to push most of the blast in a single direction, though it still has an effect. Sharp Charges are built for knocking holes in things. Due to their nature, charges can only be thrown about 10 feet.
Grenades are small objects of basic shape that are about 4 inches in diameter that can be thrown up to 60 feet away and generally does damage in a 10-foot radius.
A Smoke Grenade releases a thick, colored smoke that fills an area in a 30-foot radius.
A Fire Grenade spreads a thick, viscous gel over a five-foot radius that is ignited and will burn for up to ten minutes. Fire grenades will do an additional 1d6 in damage for each turn (up to 3) the person is covered in the burning gel. The gel can be washed off, smothered, or otherwise treated like typical fire.
In each case, a Dexterity save can be made to avoid it, but it is hard.
At 1st Level, you learn to perform powerful trick shots to disable or damage your opponents using your firearms.
Trick Shots. You learn two trick shots of your choice, which are detailed under “Trick Shots” below. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way. Each use of a trick shot must be declared before the attack roll is made. You can use only one trick shot per attack.
You learn an additional trick shot of your choice at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. Each time you learn a new trick shot, you can also replace one trick shot you know with a different one.
Grit. You gain a number of grit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You regain 1 expended grit point each time you roll an unmodified roll of 20 on a d20 attack roll for an attack with a firearm. You regain all expended grit points after a long rest.
At 17th Level, You regain all expended grit points after a short rest.
Trick Shots
Saving Throws. Some of your trick shots require your targets to make a saving throw to resist the trick shot’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
- Trick Shot save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
These trick shots are presented in Alphabetical order.
Bullying Shot
You can use the powerful blast and thundering sound of your firearm to shake the resolve of a creature. You can expend one grit point while making a Charisma (Intimidation) check to gain Advantage on the roll.
Dazing Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to dizzy your opponent. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer Disadvantage on attacks until the end of their next turn.
Deadeye Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to gain Advantage on the attack roll.
Disarming Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to shoot an object from their hands. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop 1 held object of your choice and have that object be pushed 10 feet away from you.
Explosive Shot
Upon a hit, everything within 5 ft of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or suffer 1d8 fire damage. If the weapon misses, the ammunition fails to detonate, or bounces away harmlessly before doing so.
Forceful Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to trip them up and force them back. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you.
Piercing Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to fire through multiple opponents. The initial attack gains a +1 to the firearm’s misfire score. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage, and you make an attack roll with Disadvantage against every creature in a line directly behind the target within your first range increment. Only the initial attack can misfire.
Violent Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one or more grit points to enhance the volatility of the attack. For each grit point expended, the attack gains a +2 to the firearm’s misfire score. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional weapon damage die per grit point spent when determining the damage.
Winging Shot
When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to topple a moving target. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Eldritch Power
At 1st Level, you can’t be disarmed of your firearm unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand. You can have up to two bound weapons but can summon only one at a time with your bonus action. If you attempt to bond with a third weapon, you must break the bond with one of the other two.
This is done through a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and your weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can only be done during a long rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond.
At 5th Level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.
At 9th Level, you learn how to make your weapon strikes undercut a creature’s resistance to your spells. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against a spell you cast before the end of your next turn.
At 13th Level, you
At 17th Level, when you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.
Starting Gear | |
Gear |
Small Backpack, Tinderbox, Large Sack, 30’ Rope, Waterskin |
Tools or Kit |
Firearms Tools, Ordnance Kit |
Focus |
Firearm |
Armor |
Any standard |
Weaponry |
1 Doradan Pistol, 1 Simple or Common Melee |
Wealth Bonus |
30 |
It is said that Ironfire is the single toughest tanjin in the Empire. The training is physically arduous, mentally taxing, emotionally draining and numbing, and filled with physical punishment, things akin to torture, and constant near cruelty to those attempting to make it through – which few do.
The few who survive these trials of ingenuity may become the first to create, and deftly wield, their firearms.
First, they must endure the lessons of their Gunny, who always works with five novices to start and begins to weed them out for reasons obvious and unknown, until there are but two left, and they must face their final trial together, always involving a trip where it is known there will be challenges of character, challenges of moral authority, and challenges of life or death.
It is also known that throughout their training, there are no easy let go’s, no chances to make any single mistake, for there is a kind of black and white ruleset that applies while an Apprentice in the Ironfire.
- If you are caught cheating, lying, or stealing, you will be shunned by the community.
- You will lose your reputation and your honor.
- In extreme cases, you will even be run out of town or lynched.
What no one openly acknowledges is that there are no living former students who failed. They are, summarily, executed by gunslingers after they have left, and sometimes the first task given to a new Novice upon completion of their Trial is to execute classmates.
Gunslingers can only choose from the Firearms category at 1st level. Thereafter they can choose from any.
Specialization: gunslingers all specialize in Firearms, and they are the only ones who can.
At 1st Level, you gain 1 First Order Firearms Aspect.
At 5th Level, you gain 1 Second Order, or 1 First Order Firearms Aspect.
At 9th Level, you gain 1 Third Order, or 1 Second Order, or 1 First Order Firearms Aspect.
At 13th Level, you gain 1 Fourth Order, or 1 Third Order, or 1 Second Order, or 1 First Order Firearms Aspect.
At 17th Level, you 1 Fifth Order, or 1 Fourth Order, or 1 Third Order, or 1 Second Order, or 1 First Order Firearms Aspect.
At 3rd Level, you can choose one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 7th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 11th Level you can choose one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 15th Level you can choose one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 19th Level you can choose one aspect from the Alumni list, or one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 4th Level, you can choose one Dedicated Maxim.
At 8th Level you can choose one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 12th Level you can choose one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 16th Level you can choose one Unyielding Maxim or one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 20th Level you can choose one Absolutist Maxim or one Unyielding Maxim or one Zealous Maxim or one Persistent Maxim or one Dedicated Maxim.
At 2nd Level, you can choose one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 6th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 10th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 14th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
At 18th Level, you can choose one aspect from the Alumni list, or one aspect from the Hieros list, or one aspect from the Member list, or one aspect from the Initiate list, or one aspect from the Postulant list.
Affinity |
Axiom |
Cipher |
Manifestation |
Orgone |
Eldritch |
Servant |
![]() |
Aura |
Elan |
Affinity Score |
Axiom Score |
Spell |
Spell Book |
Focal |
Per |
Wis |
Jinx |
Picatrix |
Firearm |
Spell Level |
Spell Point Cost |
Actions to Cast |
Cantrips / 0 |
1 |
1 |
1 Level Spells |
3 |
1 |
2 Level Spells |
5 |
2 |
3 Level Spells |
8 |
2 |
4 Level Spells |
12 |
3 |
5 Level Spells |
14 |
3 |
6 Level Spells |
17 |
4 |
7 Level Spells |
19 |
4 |
8 Level Spells |
21 |
5 |
9 Level Spells |
25 |
5 |
At 1st Level, you gain access to one Eldritch Mystery.
Everything that Gunslingers do with their firearms is an act of using Eldritch magic. Some find it remarkable that shooting, itself, doesn’t cost any mana – although any repairs, the making of ammunition, and the use of certain abilities always does. By and large, they are not very proficient in it, but they do well enough, and since they must have a capacity for it to start, they ach8eve some useful results with it.
Complexity -> |
Mana Stored |
Simple | ||
Mastery |
Level |
Cantrip |
1st Level | |
Novice |
1 |
5 |
3 | |
2 |
10 |
4 |
1 | |
3 |
15 |
4 |
1 | |
4 |
20 |
4 |
2 | |
Yeoman |
5 |
25 |
5 |
2 |
6 |
30 |
5 |
3 | |
7 |
35 |
5 |
3 | |
8 |
40 |
6 |
4 | |
Adept |
9 |
45 |
6 |
4 |
10 |
50 |
6 |
5 | |
11 |
55 |
7 |
5 | |
12 |
60 |
7 |
6 | |
Master |
13 |
65 |
7 |
6 |
14 |
70 |
8 |
7 | |
15 |
75 |
8 |
7 | |
16 |
80 |
8 |
8 | |
Grand Master |
17 |
85 |
9 |
8 |
18 |
90 |
9 |
9 | |
19 |
95 |
10 |
9 | |
20 |
100 |
10 |
10 |
A psalm is a kind of mantra, a phrase that is spoken repetitively, and that reflects and underling basis and tenet of the teaching of that particular gunslinger.
Some common psalms are:
- I do not forget the face of my father.
- Fear is the mind killer.
- I stand before my ancestors ready to be judged.
- These are the days of wine and roses.
- I aim with my heart, not with my eye.
- I shoot with my heart, not with my head.
- I am the path and the way and the will.
Psalms are part of the incantations that are used by Gunslingers when using their firearms or preparing any kind of profession related item.
They are something the Gunslinger says to themselves, quietly, constantly, and they guide the rote actions that make gunslingers so singleminded of focus – and thus, feared so greatly by even seasoned and hardy veterans of the Crusades.
At 2nd Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 6th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 10th Level, you gain 3 proficiency slots.
At 14th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
At 18th Level, you gain 2 proficiency slots.
Ability Score Increases
At 3rd Level, You gain 2 points.
At 7th Level, You gain 2 points.
At 11th Level, You gain 3 points.
At 15th Level, You gain 2 points.
At 19th Level, You gain 1 point.
Leveling Table
Level |
Mastery |
Prof Bonus |
Skill |
Forte |
Maxims |
Precepts |
Mysteries |
Orders |
Esoterica |
1 |
Novice |
0 |
Yes |
Simple |
First | |||||
2 |
0 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
3 |
0 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
4 |
+1 |
Yes |
Rudiments | |||||||
5 |
Yeoman / Doyen |
+1 |
Yes |
Second | ||||||
6 |
+1 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
7 |
+1 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
8 |
+2 |
Yes |
Medial | |||||||
9 |
Adept |
+2 |
Yes |
Third | ||||||
10 |
+2 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
11 |
+2 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
12 |
+3 |
Yes |
Advanced | |||||||
13 |
Master |
+3 |
Yes |
Fourth | ||||||
14 |
+3 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
15 |
+3 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
16 |
+4 |
Yes |
Expert | |||||||
17 |
Grand Master |
+4 |
Yes |
Fifth | ||||||
18 |
+4 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
19 |
+4 |
Yes |
Yes | |||||||
20 |
+5 |
Yes |